Broadening the perspective of environmental stress in aquatic ecosystems due to contamination: An approach using the habitat selection response based on a cost-benefits balance

The Project


A schematic representation of the concepts linked to toxicity (defined according to the traditional forced exposure approach) and repellency (defined according to the non-forced multi-compartmented exposure approach).

The scheme shows also the main aspects and levels of the effects measured in both approaches, since direct (stress to individuals and loss of behavioral and genetic homeostasis) to indirect (perception of contamination with consequences avoidance and changes of the selected habitat) effects.

This conceptual approach provides a general view about what it is possible to conclude on a contaminant if the concepts of toxicity (implying sensitivity to contamination) and repellency (implying ecosystem vulnerability due to loss of individuals) are complementarily studied.


Cristiano V.M. Araujo

Eloísa Ramos Rodríguez

Gema Parra Anguita

Francisco Baldó

Julio López Doval

Marta Sendra

Antonio Moreno

David Roque

Meli Agulló Cornejo

Sustainable Development Goals


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), created in 2015 by the United Nations Member States, aim to improve the quality of life, searching for solutions for poverty, inequality and climate changes in all the developed and developing countries.

Among the 17 goals, some are linked to environmental quality of aquatic ecosystems. The current project is focused on understanding how contamination might change the quality of ecosystems (becoming them unsuitable to accommodate life) and, therefore, how it drives the spatial dispersion of organisms. Then, BrEStress tries to provide information that could be useful to three specific SDGs: #13 - Climate action, #14 - Life below water) and #15 - Life on land).

Click in the links to get more information about these three SDGs.

Climate action

SDGs #13

Read more

Life below water

SDGs #14

Read more

Life on

SDGs #15

Read more

Funded by

BrEStress is a project funded in the
framework of the National Programme
for Research; call 2019 I+D+i

Stay in touch

Cristiano V.M Araújo
Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia
Campus Universitario Río San Pedro, s/n
11519 Puerto Real, Cádiz
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+34 956 832 612

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