Our Team

Cristiano V.M Araújo

My research field is focused on the impact of the chemicals substances on environment. Since 2001, I have developed studies with researchers from different countries in freshwater and marine/estuarine ecosystems. I have participated in 17 research projects in different countries and acted as Principal Researcher in five of them. I have coauthored ca. 60 scientific papers, in which around 110 Researchers have participated. I have edited the book Ecotoxicology in Latin America with the Researcher Cândida Shinn, in which Researchers from 18 countries participated. At the present, I have focused on a new approach (non-forced multi-compartmented exposure scenarios) to assess the effects of contamination, not only under the individual toxic effect perspective, but instead on the spatial distribution of organisms and their habitat selection processes. The multi-compartmented exposure approach brings the possibility of integrating to ecotoxicological studies new concepts linked to ecosystem vulnerability due to loss of biodiversity, such as: organisms’ spatial avoidance, (re)colonization, habitat connectivity, habitat fragmentation, chemical barrier, and habitat preference. This approach changes the exposure paradigm as it allows simulating chemically heterogeneous scenarios.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cristiano_Araujo2
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1793-2966

Eloísa Ramos-Rodríguez

My research field is focused on continental zooplankton ecology. I defended my PhD dissertation at the University of Granada (UGR) in 2003. I enjoyed a FPU predoctoral fellowship to work on biotic interactions as regulators of rotifer populations, specifically, in rotifer-phytoplankton interactions and in rotifer-crustacean interactions. I obtained extensive experience in isolation and maintenance of cultures and laboratory experimentation with microalgae and model cladoceransand rotifers. Later, I was a postdoctoral researcher (2003-2005) at the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (University of Valencia, Spain) working on mechanisms of coexistence of cryptic species of rotifers with Dr. M. Serra. There, I started my interest in evolutionary ecology using molecular tools and DNA taxonomy for rotifers. Since2006, I have been linked to the UGR as an assistant professor in the Department of Ecology, being attached to the Institute of Water Research of UGR. I has been working on different research lines: phenotypic plasticity in rotifers, zooplankton resilience – by hatching of diapause eggs from sedimentary egg banks – in shallow lakes, toxic effects on planktonic and benthic animals of magnetic microparticles potentially used in the restoration of eutrophic lakes, and key factors that control the continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins. Actually, my research is focused on effects of global change in Mediterranean high mountain aquatic ecosystems of Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain), and, now I just started with great enthusiasm a new research line in Stress Ecology to assess how determinant are contaminants for habitat selection by organisms and the spatial distribution of species using a non-forced multi-compartmented exposure system.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eloisa_Ramos-Rodriguez
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2440-0765

Mª Gema Parra Anguita

I am biologist with background in marine organisms ecophysiology that was the topic of my PhD carried out in the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusía (CSIC-Cadiz). After this period I began to research on global change by joining to the research group Ecology and Biodiversity of Aquatic systems, focused in temporary wetlands ecology. I got a tenured position since 2002 in the Ecology Department in the University of Jaén.
In 2000 I started a new research line focused on aquatic ecotoxicology. Much of my work is concerned the study of the toxic effects of agrochemicals on aquatic organisms. We have defined new biomarkers of exposure and effect used to detect and quantify the toxicity of commonly used agrochemical such as copper or nitrogen. I have collaborated in many research projects and leaded several of them. Aquatic systems acidification and how it affects aquatic communities has been other of my research lines.
I am also involved in European projects concerning Sustainability, one of them related with higher education, and other with Education of Environmental citizenship. Nowadays, I am in charge of the work package 6 in the SUSTAINOLIVE project, to foster the change to a more sustainable agriculture in the Mediterranean area.
Collaborations with institutions such as Plymouth University (UK), Bournemouth University (UK), Esslingen University (Germany), Maastricht University (The Netherlands), Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), among others, have lead to nice projects and articles.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4519-4799

Francisco Baldó

Currently, my main scientific motivation is to understand the biodiversity of marine ecosystems. However, my fascination with marine ecosystems is longstanding. It began when I chose to study Biology at University of Seville and Marine Sciences at University of Cadiz. I took my first steps in science at the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia (CSIC), studying benthic communities of several coastal ecosystems in the Gulf of Cadiz. During many years, I have been involved in a long-term ecological research in the Guadalquivir estuary, which has set up a time series of monthly sampling of the aquatic communities of the estuary. The basis for my PhD was theoretical individual-based models based on a high resolution individual-based food web dataset of the Guadalquivir estuary. Since 2004, I have worked for the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO). In 2008, I assumed the scientific leadership of the Porcupine bottom trawl survey, which takes place every September at the Porcupine bank (West of Ireland) and became a member of the ICES International Bottom Trawl Surveys Working Group (IBTSWG), which coordinates the European bottom trawling surveys in the North Sea and the North East Atlantic. Overall, I have extensive experience in fieldwork including over 50 oceanographic cruises. The combination between the empirical and theoretical facets is, perhaps, the most outstanding characteristic of my career.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Francisco_Baldo2
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4220-4207

Julio López Doval

I am a freshwater ecologist interested in the impact of unregulated chemical substances and other environmental stressors in freshwater organisms and ecosystems. I finished my PhD. in 2011 and since then I have been developing my research in this field, covering different environmental levels and systems. To study the effects of chemical substances and other stressors on freshwater organisms I apply experimental approaches (to better find causal relationships between effects and stressors) as well as field studies (to integrate multiple stressors and community level).  My research is highly multidisciplinary, involving researchers from different countries and research fields. I have participated in 10 research projects funded by different national and international institutions and I have been Principal Investigator or Work Group Leader of two of them. I have participated in 37 publications, including book chapters and SCI-indexed papers and I am first author of 11 of them. Currently I am working in the Catalan Institute for Water Research. In this institution I have investigated the effects of NSAIDs in the energetic metabolism of caddisflies, the effects of carbon nano-particles in reproduction and behavior of freshwater snails and I have collaborated in projects focused in the ecotoxicology of micro- and nano-plastics (PLAS-MED), in the cycling and dynamics of Carbon in intermittent Mediterranean rivers (SPACESTREAM) and the effects of extreme weather and climate events on freshwater and eco-agricultural systems (CLIMALERT).

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0090-8532

Marta Sendra

My research field is focused on the impact of the chemicals of emerging concern   such as nanoparticles, antibiotics, personal care products and micro and nanoplastics on aquatic system from microalgae, crustaceans, bivalves and fish. In my research I applied immunologic and genomics approach to assess the effects of pollutants on organisms from physiological, cellular and molecular levels. I have studied Environmental Science in Granada University and I have studied 2 master Degrees with scientific profile; biomedicine and oceanography. I am Dr.in Management and Conservation of the Sea from Cádiz University (2014-2017). I have developed my PhD in ICMAN-CSIC with a contract of Junta de Andalucía (JA). Currently I have a national postdosctoral contract; Juan de la in IIM-CSIC (Vigo). I have published 24 scientific papers being the first author on 17 of them. All the publications were published in Q1 journals, with several publications in first decil. Also, I have published 3 book chapters. I have collaborated in scientific publications with other institutions such as Yale University, the University of Siena, the University of Genova, Algarve University, the Federal University of São Paulo; Brazil, the Carnegie Institution for Science; Stanford, USA, the Arturo Prat; Chile and private institutions in USA. Furthermore, regional institutions such as University of La Coruña, Huelva, Córdoba and Cádiz. 

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marta_Sendra
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9317-0217

Raquel Moreira

Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Limnology, Zooplankton and Phytoplankton Ecology, Biochemical Biomarkers, Ecosystem Models, Toxic Mixtures and Ecological Risk Assessment

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ORCID: 0000-0001-9392-8067

CV: http://buscatextual.cnpq.br/buscatextual/visualizacv.do?id=K4431879U6

Freylan Mena

Biomarkers and Behavioral Ecotoxicology

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ORCID: 0000-0002-1215-0378

CV : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Freylan_Mena_Torres

Álvaro Tajes

Ciencia de la computación e inteligencia artificial

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ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2690-090X

CV : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alvaro-Rodriguez-21

Matilde Moreira Santos

Ecological Risk Assessment; Aquatic Ecotoxicology; Ecologically Relevant Tools to assess environmental impact in different climate zones

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID: 0000-0001-7067-5028

CV: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/7913-7FCE-0AEA

Rui Ribeiro

Ecology, Stress Ecology, Environmental Physiology, Ecotoxicology and Population Genetics

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ORCID: 0000-0002-0883-1939

CV: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/9310-88B1-D4DD

Isabel Lopes

Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Ecological Risk Assessment and Alternative Methods to Animal Experimentation with Amphibians

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ORCID: 0000-0002-9325-0329

CV: www.cesam.ua.pt/ilopes

Laboratory Technician

Andrea Cordero

I am a marine biologist who is specializing in aquatic toxicology. I studied Biology at the University of Salamanca and two masters, one of them in Marine Biology at the University of A Coruña and the other one in Toxicology, Pollution and Environmental Health at the University of Valencia. I did my final master's thesis in Marine Biology at CEAB-CSIC (Blanes), where I studied histology and reproduction of gorgonians and hexactinellid sponges. Currently, I am finishing my final master's thesis in Toxicology at ICMAN-CSIC (Cádiz, Spain) studying the toxicity of silver in clams. I am participating in the CreMar project (Feder and Junta de Andalucía Operational Program), which studies the impact of suncreens on coastal areas of Andalusia and I have been awarded with a "JAE Intro ICU“ fellow for the study of the toxicity and repellency of emerging pollutants from the perspective of stress ecology. I have experience in the field activities and have developed scientific diving tasks

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: http://www.icman.csic.es
ORCID: 0000-0002-4881-8499

Meli Agulló Cornejo

Agullo was born on 14th May 1971. She has a degree in Marine Science from the University of Cádiz (Spain). Since 2004, she is working as a Laboratory Technician at the Department of Ecology & Coast al Management of the Institute for Marine Science of Andalusia(ICMAN-CSIC) in Puerto Real, Spain. She has participated in a lot of National and International Projects, in charge of different task, mostly: Sampling and monitoring of environmental samples, reparation and processing of sediment and water samples using different techniques such as lyophilisation, filtration, acid digestion using microwave, quantification of organic carbon, etc

At present, she is responsible of the use of the ICP-MS ICAP-Q, ICP-OES Avio 500, Mercury analyser AMA 254, etc.

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Students and young researchers

Ángela Rodríguez Ruiz

Graduated in Biology from the University of Seville (US) with a master in Marine Ecology from the University of Balearic Island (UIB). During my career, I collaborated in research projects about the effects of Climate Change in the ecological interactions between marine species. Also, during my master, I worked in the Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA-CSIC) doing chemical analyses fragments of Posidonia oceanica in restoration. Currently, I am a posgraduated student (JAE Intro fellow) in the Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia (ICMAN-CSIC, Spain) participating in a research project in the field of ecotoxicology. I am also Interested in divulgation through science illustration, I made two courses with Illustraciencia (CSIC).

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: http://www.icman.csic.es
ORCID: 0000-0003-4924-130X

Helmut Stremmel

I am an undergraduate student in Biology at the Ruhr Universität Bochum. I started studying biology in 2016, although late, it has been always a dream of mine. Thanks to the ERASMUS Program I was able to study three semesters at the UPO in Seville, marine zoology (which I always loved), biodiversity and subjects of environmental science. I got note that there is the marine institute ICMAN right around the corner. As I liked to do my bachelors thesis right there, I got in contact with Cristiano Araújo and his subject of ecotoxicology which sparked my interest. Since March 2021 I am here on a scholarship of my home university and the German Academic Exchange Service to do my bachelors thesis (Transgenerational exposure of daphnids to contaminants drives their avoidance response to contaminated environments) under the guidance of him. I am fortunate to be here and being part of his workgroup.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Helmut-Stremmel
ORCID: 0000-0003-4268-5637

Lucía Vera Herrera

Graduated in Biotechnology, specialized in Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology, from the University of Cádiz (2017). My Final Degree Project was published in RODIN (University of Cádiz). Master´s degree in Biodiversity, Conservation and Species Evolution from the University of Valencia (2018). Internship in the Department of Microbiology and Ecology of the University of Valencia, gaining experience in methodologies used in aquatic ecology. Final master´s thesis focuses on the study of the nematode communities present in the rice fields of the Albufera Natural Park and their relationship with heavy metal levels carried out in the Department of Zoology of the University of Valencia. Currently, I am a PhD Student in the Doctoral Programme in Pollution, Toxicology and Environmental Health from the University of Valencia and I am a member of the SAMA Group from the CIDE (Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación, UV-CSIC, Spain), participating in the CICLIC project (subproject WETANPACK; RTI2018 097158 B C31) working on the detection of emerging pollutants in environmental matrices and environmental risk analysis and modelling of environmental pressure scenarios for ecological impact assessment.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lucia-Vera-Herrera
ORCID: 0000-0002-1028-4997

Curro Polo

As a Biotechnology student, I have been studying bioactive molecules and their effects on human health. However, the environmental approach should not be kept apart. It is important to know the effects that drugs, pesticides and other substances that are used in our daily lives have on ecosystems. That is the reason that led me to apply to the JAE-Intro grant, from CSIC, which allows me to participate in this Project. I have also participated in projects related to environmental preservation before, such as organising garbage collections in my town or in species preservation campaigns to protect endangered species as the kentish plover. Currently, I am participating in the authorship of two papers related to psilocybin and psilocin, two psychotropic substances produced by hallucinogenic mushrooms that might have great potential as antidepressants or anxiolytics. I am also studying a Medical Chemistry master’s degree in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Cadiz, which I hope that abilitates me for the discovery and research on bioactive substances coming from natural sources that have great impact on improving people’s lives.

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Mohammed Ariful Islam

Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Avoidance Behavior, Aquatic Ecology (abiotic and biotic stresses) 

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ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0683-1166

CV: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GCYHvEUAAAAJ&hl=en

OPECAM Field Unit

The Field Operations Unit (OPECAM) is composed by two technicians (Antonio Moreno and David Roque), who will provide support to all the field activities carried out during the project.

Antonio Moreno

Antonio Moreno is a technician in marine aquaculture. Since 1996 he has continued his professional training specializing in subaquatic activities (between others “Professional Shallow Diving” in 2004 at the Instituto Politécnico Marítimo Pesquero del Estrecho, “Cold Water Diving” in 2019 at the Spanish Navy and the “Scientific Diver” accreditation in 2004 by the Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera (IFAPA), navigation (Underwater Navigation, Basic Navigation Skipper, Competence Certificate for Sailor between others) and safety in both activities (Diving Rescue, Basic Survival at Sea, First Aid in Diving). Throughout his professional career he has worked for public institutions (Empresa Pública para el Desarrollo Agrario y Pesquero, Instituto de Ciencias Marinas de Andalucía ICMAN-CSIC) and private companies (Cultivos Piscícolas Marinos S.A.) related to aquaculture and fisheries participating in hydrological campaigns, ichthyo and zooplankton sampling and following sampling treatment (organisms identification and separation), transport of live aquatic organisms, maintenance of hatcheries and nursery of crustaceans, mollusks and fish, etc.). Since 2009 he works at the ICMAN-CSIC as a Technician of Technical and Professional Activities and he is member of the Field Operation Unit (OPECAM) specialized in sample (biota, sediment and water) collection in aquatic environments, underwater activities (sampling, installation of subaquatic equipments, etc.), handling of vessels, technical assistance and support during oceanographic campaigns and in laboratory activities, essential for the performance of most of the research projects carried out by the ICMAN researchers.

David Roque Atienza

I am a working as a field technician (OPECAM). My main task is provide support to the many research activities in the natural environment carried out by the ICMAN and others Institutions.
Degree in Marine Science from Cádiz University, since 2000, I have worked as marine technician in different Institutions as Cádiz, University, ICMAN-CSIC, IIM-CSIC and SOCIB focus in the oceanography studies. Actually I have a permanent position in the ICMAN collaborating with all research project and supporting the field work.
Also, I have different licenses (diving, skipper, drone pilot) to obtain all natural environmental samples, keeping us updated to support the different scientific studies.

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CV: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David_Roque
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1719-1184

    Funded by

    BrEStress is a project funded in the
    framework of the National Programme
    for Research; call 2019 I+D+i

    Stay in touch

    Cristiano V.M Araújo
    Institute of Marine Sciences of Andalusia
    Campus Universitario Río San Pedro, s/n
    11519 Puerto Real, Cádiz
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    +34 956 832 612

    Logo designed by F. Baldó